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Saint Rita Day of Service

  • United States of America (map)

Join us on Friday, March 21, 2025 for our second annual Saint Rita Day of Service in honor of our beloved patroness, Rita of Cascia! Groups from throughout the country - schools, businesses, houses of formation, parishes, families and friends - are invited to take up a service project to promote the virtues that defined so much of Saint Rita’s life.

Saint Rita, help of those in need, pray for us!

  • Groups and individuals who are interested in participating in the Shrine’s Saint Rita Day of Service should reach out to Mrs. Katie Clymer, the Shrine’s Coordinator of Programs and Pilgrimages.

    Once you make your interest known to us, we can help you determine the best type of service for your group in your local community!

  • The needs of every community are different, so we encourage you to pick a project that will meet an actual need and help shed light on the marginalized members of our society.

    Some suggestions include: having a food drive for a local food pantry, collecting socks or other gently used clothes for a homeless shelter, writing letters to people in prison, collecting trash around your neighborhood, spending time at a local retirement community or home for the aging, or making meals for the homebound.

    Whatever you decide to do, we encourage you to do it with great love and care for those whom you serve.

  • Saint Rita of Cascia was a remarkable woman of faith who understood the importance of perseverance, hope, and peacemaking in the midst of facing life’s obstacles. Her example of serving her community and promoting the greater good continues to resonate with and impact the lives of devotees around the world over 600 years later.

    A national Saint Rita Day of Service not only promotes the life of Saint Rita, but it invites people from around the country to embody these virtues for themselves.

    The mission of the Saint Rita Day of Service is to be inspired by the life of Saint Rita in a way that builds a better world for all people.

  • Friday, March 21, 2025 was chosen as the date for our second annual Saint Rita Day of Service because it is two months before the Solemn Feast of Saint Rita, giving us an opportunity to begin promoting our beloved patroness with people near and far.

  • Our goal for 2025 is simple: Have at least 22 groups participate in our second annual Saint Rita Day of Service! It doesn’t matter the type of group or its affiliation, our goal is to have 22 unique groups from around the country participate in this day.

  • To learn more, or to express interest in participating, we invite you to contact Mrs. Katie Clymer, the Shrine’s Coordinator or Programs and Pilgrimages.

    Or, you could fill out this form to register your group.

Want to sponsor the Saint Rita Day of Service? Learn more here.


March 20

Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament

March 21

Stations of the Cross